- Knowledge Base Categories:
- Fixed Asset Inventory
- Web Link
Training Tidbit: What tools are available to assist with taking an inventory of our assets in FAI?
Different options are available for completing an annual inventory of the assets in Fixed Asset Inventory, depending on whether your organization has the Web Link module licensed in addition to the Fixed Asset Inventory module.
Option 1 – Utilize Room Inventory Feature (requires both Fixed Asset Inventory and Web Link modules):
If your organization has both the Fixed Asset Inventory and Web Link modules licensed, utilize the Room Inventory option in Web Link to complete an annual inventory. With the Room Inventory option, the employees (i.e. teachers) specify whether the assets in their assigned rooms are in the room, missing, disposed, or moved. New assets can also be added (with minimal information) using the Room Inventory option. Then the Business Office can complete the Process Room Inventory option in the Fixed Asset Inventory module to determine if there are any assets with variances (such as new or missing assets, or assets with location, condition, or disposal status changes) and process the changes as needed.
For step-by-step instructions on using the Room Inventory option, refer to the Room Inventory Setup and Completion Checklist topic in the Help File, or click here to request the Room Inventory in Web Link and Fixed Asset Inventory Webinar recording. Also, to view a quick tutorial of the Room Inventory option in Web Link, click here.
Option 2 – Print Inventory Sheets by Site/Building/Room (requires only Fixed Asset Inventory module):
If your organization has the Fixed Asset Inventory module licensed, print the report called Inventory Sheets by Site/Building/Room and hand out to each employee (i.e. teacher) for verification of the items recorded in the Asset File for each room. The report sorts the assets by site, building, and room, with each room printing on its own page. There is a place before each asset for the employee to check off items once verified. Any additional assets not already recorded could also be noted on the report. Then once the inventory is completed, there is a place for the employee to sign and date the report before returning it to the Business Office.
The Inventory Sheets by Site/Building/Room report is accessed by selecting the Reports menu on the main Fixed Asset Inventory screen, and then Other Reports. The parameters can be completed as desired. (Note: If the report is generated with all records selected for all parameters, assets that have been disposed will print on the report but will be indicated with an asterisk next to the Total Cost; if desired, to exclude disposed assets from printing on the report, generate the report by selecting False for the Disposed parameter.)
To view a sample of the Inventory Sheets by Site/Building/Room report (shows the assets for just one room), click here.
Option 3 – Utilize Process Scanner Data Feature (requires only Fixed Asset Inventory module):
If your organization has the Fixed Asset Inventory module licensed and the assets within your organization use asset tags with bar codes, utilize a handheld scanner and the Process Scanner Data option in Fixed Asset Inventory to complete an annual inventory. First, the assets in each site, building, and room are scanned, and the file of the scanned assets is downloaded to a computer. Then the scanner data file is imported into the Process Scanner Data option in Fixed Asset Inventory in order to determine if there are any new or missing assets, or assets with location or disposal status changes, and the changes can be processed as needed.
For more information on using the Process Scanner Data option, refer to the Process Scanner Data topic in the Help File, or click here to request the Process Scanner Data in Fixed Asset Inventory Webinar recording.
Note: The scanner must be programmed to prompt for Site ID, Building ID, Room ID, and Asset Tag Number; and when completing the inventory, the IDs must be entered into the scanner exactly how they are set up in the Fixed Asset Inventory module. For information on renting or purchasing a scanner, click here to contact the Marketing Department.