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FAQ: If I have two checking accounts at the bank, can I have direct deposit come from each account?

Yes.  To have direct deposit come out of multiple checking accounts at the bank, add a debit record for each checking account within the Direct Deposit Debit Records option.  Direct deposit debit records are then included on the direct deposit file that is submitted to the bank for processing the direct deposit transactions.

The Direct Deposit Debit Records option is accessed under the Maintenance menu in General Ledger or under the Options menu and Direct Deposit Options submenu in Payroll and Accounts Payable.  For step-by-step instructions on adding a direct deposit debit record, refer to the Adding a Direct Deposit Debit Record topic in the Help File.

Note:  If you would like direct deposit to come out of more than one checking account and the checking accounts are at different banks, contact your primary bank first to determine if they are able to handle this prior to adding the direct deposit debit records.