- Knowledge Base Categories:
- School Accounting System
- Payroll
- End of Fiscal Year
FAQ: Can I enter contracts for the new fiscal year, if I have not completed the Payroll EOFY Checklist for the current year?
Yes. Wages for the new fiscal year can be manually entered into the Employee File, or the Create Payroll Wages for New Year option can be used. Be sure to verify the Start Date field of the new contracts reflects the appropriate start date. Refer to the Completing the Wages Screen in the Employee File topic or the Creating Payroll Wages for New Year for Payroll Purposes topic in the Help File for detailed instructions.
Note: If the Create Payroll Wages for New Year option is utilized, be sure to verify that the New Fiscal Year End field reflects the correct year (i.e. if the new year is 2024-2025, enter 2025 in the field).