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Training Tidbit: What is the Budget Transfer Options?

Are you starting to work on next year’s budget?  If so, did you know you are able to copy the current year’s (or a previous year’s) budget or actual year-to-date amounts for use with the new year’s budget?  You are also able to increase or decrease the amounts by a certain percentage if desired.

To post either the budget or actual amounts from the current fiscal year or a previous fiscal year into a budget batch, use the Budget Transfer Options (located under the Options menu within a budget batch).  Complete the Budget Transfer Options by specifying which year to copy, which amounts to use, which account numbers to include (revenues, expenditures, and ranges of each if desired), and what percentage to increase or decrease the amounts by if wanting to change the figures.

Tip:  When using masks to post ranges of accounts, be sure the last line for each account type (i.e. revenues or expenditures) contains all Xs so the remainder of the accounts will be posted.

For detailed instructions on utilizing the Budget Transfer Options, see the Completing Budget Transfer Options topic in the Help File.